Lebron James Crying on Dwayne Wade Shoulder

Lebron James Crying on Dwyane Wade Shoulder should not be a surprize to anyone that knows anything about Playing Basketball. He may be crying, but that is because he got the one piece he needed to win a Championship.

There was no way that Lebron James and the Cavaliers could compete with the Golden State Warriors. Their basketball roster is just too deep. If any team would have a chance at competing with the Golden State Warriors it would be the Cleveland Cavaliers with the addition of Dwyane Wade.


Wade May Not Be the Same Level Player We Once Knew

He may not be the same level player we once knew as a nightmare for any basketball defense, but he still have the skillset to be a top basketball player in the league. With a competitive DWADE and  a Focused LEBRON who knows what could really happen when they come together in Cleveland.

Best Year Ever

This basketballl season will be the best season ever for the NBA. I know it sounds crazy but guys get this… We have about 4 SUPER TEAMS all chasing a ring this year. How awesome is that.

Now you understand that Lebron Crying on Dwayne Wade Shoulder include tears of joy. He knows now at least he have a chance against the Golden State Warriors to win a Championship.