Blame Trump for Hurricane Irma! Preparing for Irma.How to prepare for a hurricane. Affordable items. Blame Donald Trump for these hurricanes. Two massive hurricanes in just one week is not a coincidence. This could be some divine judgment against the United States for Trump’s distorted position about global warming. He simply does not care about the environment. Jenifer Lawrence also agrees that Trump should be the one to blame for these hurricane. It’s been proven through science that human activity interferes with global warming and we continue to ignore it. The only real voice we have is in voting and we somehow vote Donald Trump for president.

We he really got himself in with the marketing twitter. His insensitivity to toward the people that lost so much in hurricane Harvey shows that he has a lack of respect for God’s nature. The media absolutely mauled Jennifer for making this statement about President Trump for the hurricanes. She stated that God’s wrath is on America because of Donald Trump. Tucker Carlson says that being a celebrity is bad for your soul. This guy actually defends Trump when he knows that Trump does nothing to stop global warming. Though you may not agree global warming is responsible for this crazy weather across the entire planet. No matter what Trump supporter and appointees say scientific evidence shows that climate change real and cause by humans.